

陈曦大约 5 分钟Soul

Soul 源码分析(1) 环境配置

soul is a High-Performance Java API Gateway



1. 源代码准备

1.1. fork dromara/soulopen in new window源代码至自己的仓库cchenxi/soulopen in new window

1.2. clone 自己仓库中的 soul 源代码至本地

git clone https://github.com/cchenxi/soul.git

1.3.使用 idea 打开 soul 源代码

1.4.编译 soul 源代码

执行以下 maven 命令,等待编译完成

mvn clean package install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Drat.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true

2. 启动 soul

2.1. 启动soul-admin模块

soul-admin是 soul 网关的后台管理系统

选择使用 MySQL 数据库存储网关数据,修改数据源配置为自己的数据库配置。


运行启动类 org.dromara.soul.admin.SoulAdminBootstrap

启动成功后,访问地址 http://localhost:9095/ ,跳转到登录页 ↓


使用用户名admin,密码 123456 登录。


2.2. 启动soul-bootstrap模块




这里需要配置成 soul-admin的 ip 和端口

控制台输出如下内容表示 soul-bootstrap启动成功

2021-01-14 15:01:15.832  INFO 17943 --- [           main] b.s.s.d.w.WebsocketSyncDataConfiguration : you use websocket sync soul data.......
2021-01-14 15:01:15.924  INFO 17943 --- [           main] o.d.s.p.s.d.w.WebsocketSyncDataService   : websocket connection is successful.....
2021-01-14 15:01:16.113  INFO 17943 --- [           main] o.s.b.a.e.web.EndpointLinksResolver      : Exposing 2 endpoint(s) beneath base path '/actuator'
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.alibaba.dubbo.common.logger.LoggerFactory).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
2021-01-14 15:01:17.150  INFO 17943 --- [           main] o.s.b.web.embedded.netty.NettyWebServer  : Netty started on port(s): 9195
2021-01-14 15:01:17.154  INFO 17943 --- [           main] o.d.s.b.SoulBootstrapApplication         : Started SoulBootstrapApplication in 5.508 seconds (JVM running for 6.762)

3. 测试 http 请求转发

为了方便测试,把soul-examples模块添加到 soul 的 pom 里

3.1. 启动一个服务


soul-examples-http的 pom 中引入了依赖



    adminUrl: http://localhost:9095
    port: 8188
    contextPath: /http
    appName: http
    full: false

如果 soul.http.full=false,则需要在具体的 http 接口上配置 @SoulSpringMvcClient 注解

3.1.1. 测试 http 服务

执行 http 请求 http://localhost:8188/test/findByUserId?userId=1 结果如下图


3.1.2. 测试网关转发

执行 http 请求 http://localhost:9195/http/test/findByUserId?userId=1 结果如下图


2021-01-14 20:42:57.123  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-11] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:42:57.125  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-11] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:42:57.126  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-11] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0


3.2. 启动两个服务模拟负载均衡

勾选 Allow parallel run,修改端口为8189,再次启动soul-examples-http项目


3.2.1. 测试 http 服务

执行 http 请求 http://localhost:8189/test/findByUserId?userId=1 结果如下图


3.2.2. 测试负载均衡


将 8188 和 8189 两个端口对应的服务配置到选择器中

多次执行 http 请求 http://localhost:9195/http/test/findByUserId?userId=1 结果如下图


2021-01-14 20:48:34.460  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-21] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:48:34.460  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-21] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:48:34.460  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-21] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0
2021-01-14 20:48:35.147  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-22] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:48:35.147  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-22] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:48:35.147  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-22] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0
2021-01-14 20:48:38.755  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-23] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:48:38.756  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-23] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:48:38.756  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-23] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0
2021-01-14 20:48:39.609  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-24] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:48:39.609  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-24] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:48:39.609  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-24] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0
2021-01-14 20:48:40.317  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-25] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:48:40.317  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-25] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:48:40.317  INFO 29812 --- [work-threads-25] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0
2021-01-14 20:48:40.976  INFO 29812 --- [-work-threads-1] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http
2021-01-14 20:48:40.976  INFO 29812 --- [-work-threads-1] o.d.soul.plugin.base.AbstractSoulPlugin  : divide selector success match , selector name :/http/test/**
2021-01-14 20:48:40.977  INFO 29812 --- [-work-threads-1] o.d.s.plugin.httpclient.WebClientPlugin  : The request urlPath is, retryTimes is 0

可以观察到请求既有转发到 8188 端口的,也有转发到 8189 的,可以实现负载均衡

3.2.3. 压测


➜  soul git:(master) ✗ wrk -t8 -c40 -d30s http://localhost:8189/test/findByUserId\?userId\=1
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8189/test/findByUserId?userId=1
  8 threads and 40 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     6.06ms   28.81ms 442.25ms   98.22%
    Req/Sec     2.05k   493.86     2.84k    74.82%
  486269 requests in 30.05s, 51.01MB read
Requests/sec:  16179.68
Transfer/sec:      1.70MB
➜  soul git:(master) ✗ wrk -t8 -c40 -d30s http://localhost:9195/http/test/findByUserId\?userId\=1
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:9195/http/test/findByUserId?userId=1
  8 threads and 40 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    14.37ms   18.11ms 255.66ms   93.06%
    Req/Sec   459.41    139.11     1.01k    74.23%
  109533 requests in 30.09s, 11.49MB read
Requests/sec:   3639.60
Transfer/sec:    390.98KB


3.2.4. 问题

在启动 8189 端口时,注册的客户端端口还是 8188


先手动配置选择器的配置,后来在群友的帮助下定位到是 soul.http.port没有改


贡献者: Cicici-Shi